AI Interview Preparation Strategies: Meeting the Challenges of Job Hunting in the Age of Technology

Do you know how to prepare for an AI interview? This post suggests 3 tips to do well in AI interviews!

1.Prepare using a platform like Google “Interview Warmup”.

  1. Use ChatGPT or a similar tool to anticipate the questions you might be asked.
  2. Incorporate keywords into your unique career story.

With all the controversy surrounding AI technology, it’s a challenge to be flexible with AI in your career. However, preparing for interviews through AI can be a fair and effective way to do so. One such tool is Google’s “Interview Warmup” platform, which utilizes AI to generate questions to help job seekers prepare for interviews for various positions. Users can type in or record answers, which the system analyzes and gives advice on how to improve, such as pointing out the overuse of certain words or phrases.

LinkedIn also offers AI feedback to help you improve the delivery and pacing of your interview questions, as well as reduce the use of filler words and avoid sensitive vocabulary. In addition to these tools designed for interview preparation, job seekers can use ChatGPT to anticipate the questions they may encounter for a particular position.

As more employers use AI interviews to screen early candidates, it’s important to learn how to stand out in these interviews. These interviews are usually conducted through video-recorded responses, which candidates can choose to record at a time that suits them. While these interviews are not instantaneous, some software sets limits on the time and number of responses. To evaluate the interview, AI analyzes verbal and non-verbal content such as speech rate, word choice, intonation, pronunciation, and pauses.

While technology continues to advance, AI cannot completely replace the uniqueness of human employees. Therefore, candidates need to ensure that their value is recognized by employers. Whether it’s through AI or an interview with a real person on Zoom, it’s important to express your uniqueness, and an interview is the perfect time to do so.

Effective communication is about expressing personal skills in a memorable way. Candidates need to provide details to support their narrative: a story that fits the requirements of the position and the company’s mission and culture. Candidates are differentiated when they can weave these elements into a unique story, as opposed to just mechanically repeating keywords and industry jargon.

Employers also value a learning mindset. With the rapid changes in technology and workplace environments, companies are looking for employees who can adapt to change and continue to learn. The ability to see industry trends in a timely manner is even more valued today.

Taken together, it can be challenging to address concerns about the uncertainty of AI’s place in the modern professional world. But as with all technological advances, the best strategy is to remain vigilant and proactive in understanding and adapting to these changes.


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash