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In addition to first verifying that the applicant’s email was correctly entered into the system, you can also ask the applicant to check again if the interview invitation email was classified as spam. Currently, the issue of not receiving the interview invitation email is rare. An alternative solution is to directly provide the applicant with the “interview link or QR code” and the “interview serial number.
The system will automatically send an email, and the applicant should follow the instructions in the email to “continue” and complete the interview within 30 minutes. The 30-minute window is to prevent unfair situations caused by maliciously closing the app. If the applicant still does not complete the interview, HR can manually send the interview invitation email from the management backend. Before sending, HR can choose to allow the applicant to “continue” and complete the remaining questions or to “restart” the interview from the first question. Currently, there is no feature to display the number of times the applicant’s recording was interrupted, but this will be evaluated for future development.
Self-Test SOP

Yes, click the link below:

You can do the self-test before the formal video interview to check your video quality!

The SOP of self-test is as follows:

  1. Access Path: Click the test link in the invitation letter or interview page.

  1. Self-test Description: Read the description of the self-test.
  2. Enter your Email: The system will send you the result of the self-test.
  3. Agree with Privacy Rules.
  4. Enter the “Environment Test”.

Volume Detection: Detect the microphone to make sure it’s turned on.

  1. System Description: Total number of questions, total time.
  2. Environment Test: Check your environment, background, and light.
  3. Start the self-test!

  1. Thinking Page.
  2. Question number.
  3. Question content, notice of thinking time and answering time.
  4. Time Left: At the top-right corner of the image. When the countdown is over, it will go to the “Answering Page” automatically.

  1. Answering Page: You can see the red spot with “REC” words at the top-right corner of the image.
  2. Countdown timer.
  3. Skip to the next question: After 15 seconds, you can skip to the next question.

Uploading Status: Please wait for the upload to complete.

  1. Self-test Complete: You will receive a notification email. You can click the link to check the result of the self-test.

  1. Check the Result: Check the volume and image. If everything is ok, then proceed with the formal interview.

Aim for Questions:

  1. Can you see yourself?
    → Make sure the camera works well when you’re interviewing.
  2. Try to be accustomed to smiling for the camera and say something.
    → Practice facing the camera with a natural smile, and test your speaking tone and volume.
  3. Please introduce yourself in one minute.
    → Imitate the situation of the formal interview and try to answer the questions as if you’re in a face-to-face interview.
Interview Invitation and Process

Invitation Letter

When you get the invitation, choose the way to interview with the web.

Doing the self-test before the formal interview can make sure your video quality. (The self-test SOP is here)

  1. Interview Description: Read the description of the interview.
  2. Do the equipment and environment test.
  3. Agree with Privacy Rules.
  4. Enter the “System Description“ page.

Volume Detection: Detect the microphone to make sure it’s turned on.

  1. System Description: Total number of questions, total time.
  2. Environment Test: Check your environment, background, and light.
  3. Start the formal interview!
    *Notice: It can’t be interrupted after you get into the formal interview.

  1. Thinking Page.
  2. Question number.
  3. Question content, notice of thinking time and answering time.
  4. Time Left: At the top-right corner of the image.
    When the countdown is over, it will go to the “Answering Page” automatically.

  1. Answering Page: You can see the red spot with “REC” words at the top-right corner of the image.
  2. Countdown timer.
  3. Skip to the next question: After 15 seconds, you can skip to the next question.

Uploading Status: Please wait for the upload to complete.

If your video upload fails during the formal interview, you will see an alert.
Please repair your network, then press “OK”.
Do NOT close the window until the upload is successful.

  1. Interview Complete: You will receive a notification email.

If you receive a “Continued Letter”, your interview wasn’t done yet.
Please click the link in the continued letter, and finish the remaining questions within 30 minutes.

Interview Invitation and Process

Invitation Letter

When you get the invitation, choose the way to interview with the mobile.

Notice: Doing the self-test before the formal interview can make sure your video quality.

Download the HRDA App

  1. Search “HRDA” in Google Play / App Store
  2. Android Version:
    iOS Version:
  3. Scan the QRCode

Self-test SOP for Mobile:

  1. Launch HRDA, click “Self Test”.
  2. Job Description & Privacy Rules: Read the description and agree with the rules.
  3. Enter your Email.
  4. The navigation will guide you to do the self-test.

Formal Interview Process

  1. Enter the interview code.
  2. Job Description & Privacy Rules: Read the description and agree with the rules.
  3. Go to Environment Test.

  1. Choose the camera.
  2. Composition line: To help you keep a suitable distance with the camera in the interview process.
    The switch of the composition line is at the top-right corner of the image.
  3. Environment Test: Test the volume, light, and background.
  4. Everything is ok, press “Done.”

  1. System Description: It includes the number of questions, total time, and other notices.
  2. Start the Formal Interview.
    Notice: It can’t be interrupted after you get into the formal interview.

  1. Thinking Page.
  2. Question number.
  3. Question content.
  4. Thinking time and answering time.
  5. Time Left: When the countdown is over, it will go to the “Answering Page” automatically.

  1. Answering Page: You can see the image and volume test in the answering page.
  2. Skip to the Next Question: After 15 seconds, you can skip to the next question.
  3. Question content and number.

Notice: If you upload the video failed during the formal interview, you will see the below alert.
Please repair your network, then press ”OK”.
Do NOT close the window until the upload succeeded.

  1. Interview Complete: You will receive a notification email.

Notice: If you receive a “Continued Letter”, your interview wasn’t done yet.
Please click the link in the continued letter, and do the remaining questions within 30 minutes.

Self-Test and Interview Notice


Please do the self-test first, before the formal interview.

It has these advantages:

  1. Check the status of equipment and environment,
  2. Understand the process of video interview, and
  3. Check your facial expression and volume in the video.


  • Web: Please use CHROME to interview, and make sure your camera and microphone have turned on.
    (It does not support the following browsers: IE, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.)
  • Mobile: Please install the HRDA app to interview.
    If you can’t use the app, please open the interview link with CHROME.
    (It does not support the following apps to interview: Gmail, Line, and others.)
    ※ If you’re an iOS user, please use the HRDA App to interview.
    (Because Apple blocks the access authority of camera, we cannot support the web interview on iPhone / iPad.)


  • The suggested upload bandwidth is at least 10MB/s.
    You can use the link below to test the speed:
  • Before the interview, please keep the network stable and close other applications and browser pages that consume higher bandwidth.
Opening the link using applications other than Chrome, such as Line, Gmail, Safari, etc., may cause the video to not display properly. Currently, only Chrome is supported. Please use Chrome to open the link. Download Chrome:
If you haven’t received the email, please check your spam folder.
First, please check the following: 1. My computer has a camera. 2. I’m using the Chrome browser.