Terms of Use

Terms of Use

“HRDA,” “ECHO,” and “PsyDA” are products provided by Phoenix Interactive Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), offering you services that include web pages and apps (collectively referred to as “the Services”). Please read the following terms of service carefully:


1. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms

By using the Services, you agree that all your declarations of intent are made electronically. When you click on agree or confirm buttons on various service and feature pages, it is considered your formal declaration of intent.

The Company follows the legally mandated privacy policy, and any modifications will be announced on this website or app. Please stay updated to protect your personal rights. The Company will actively announce any changes to the privacy policy.

If you do not agree with the terms of service, or if your country or region excludes any part or all of these terms, please stop using the Services immediately.

The Services reserve the right to modify or temporarily or permanently discontinue the Services (or any part thereof) at any time without notice. You agree that the Company is not liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuation of the Services.

If you are a minor or lack full legal capacity, in addition to complying with the above regulations, your parent (or guardian or assistant) must read, understand, and agree to all the terms and subsequent modifications before you can use or continue to use the Services. By using or continuing to use the Services, it means your parent (or guardian or assistant) has read, understood, and agreed to all terms and subsequent modifications.


2. Links to Third-Party Websites

The Services or third parties may provide links to other websites or resources. You may link to other websites operated by other businesses, but this does not imply any relationship between the Services and those businesses.

All trademark rights or other rights on other websites remain with the respective rights holders, and the Services have not obtained or authorized you to use them.

Since these websites are not controlled by the Services, the Services do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, validity, legality, safety, or completeness of their content. If search results lead to websites that are offensive or unwanted, this is a possible outcome of computer operations. In such cases, it is recommended that you do not browse or quickly leave those websites. Furthermore, you agree that the Services are not liable for any damages incurred by linking to non-Service generated websites, including any viruses, spyware, malware, worms, errors, or harmful data contained on those linked websites.


3. Protection of Children and Teenagers

To ensure the safety of children and teenagers using the internet and to avoid privacy infringements, parents (or guardians or assistants) should fulfill the following obligations:

– Carefully select websites or apps suitable for children and teenagers to browse. If a child under twelve years old is online, the parent (or guardian or assistant) should accompany them throughout the session; for teenagers aged twelve to eighteen, consider whether to give consent before they go online.

– Inform children or teenagers not to disclose their or their family members’ information online or to others. When providing personal information, first review the privacy policy on each website.

– Advise children or teenagers not to chat with strangers online or accept invitations or gifts to meet in person.

– Inform children or teenagers that many images, music, videos, or text files shared online are protected by copyright law. Respect copyrights and do not download illegal MP3s or other types of files.

– Inform children or teenagers to tell their parents (or guardians or assistants) before making any online transactions and obtain their consent. Do not allow children or teenagers to transact on unsafe websites; choose reputable online marketplaces and pay attention to transaction details, amounts, and payment methods.


4. Service Interruption or Failure

The Company has the right to stop or interrupt the Services in the following circumstances:

– Necessary maintenance and construction of website electronic communication equipment.

– Sudden failure of electronic communication equipment.

– Suspension of electronic communication services requested by the website, making it impossible to provide services.

– Natural disasters or other force majeure events, or other causes not attributable to the website, causing the website to be unable to provide services.

You should take appropriate protective measures to avoid inconvenience, data loss, errors, alteration, or any property or non-property damage due to service interruption or failure. Furthermore, for any damages incurred by you due to such interruptions, you agree that the website or company personnel are not liable for compensation.


5. Downloading Software or Data

Before downloading software or data from the Services or other linked websites, you should carefully consider and select the relevant software or data and be responsible for it yourself. The Services do not guarantee the legality, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, or non-infringement of others’ rights of such software or data, and the Company and its personnel are not liable for any damages incurred by you or third parties as a result.


6. General Measures on Use and Storage

You agree that the Company has the right to:

– Establish general measures and restrictions on the use and storage of the Services, such as the retention time of content provided by the Services, user restrictions, or user regulations.

– Not be liable for the deletion or failure to store any messages and content maintained or transmitted by the Services.

– Terminate services for accounts that have not been used for a long time (i.e., more than three months).

– Change the content of general measures and restrictions at any time without notice, based on its considerations.


7. Information or Advice

The Company is not responsible for the accuracy of data obtained by users from the Services or linked websites. Users should make their own judgments and decisions when adopting such data. Information provided by third parties and published through the Services, including but not limited to news, information, newsletters, etc., is not subject to substantial review or modification by the Company. Therefore, the accuracy or any infringement issues related to its content are the responsibility of the content provider and have nothing to do with the website and services. You agree that the Company is not liable.


8. Disclaimer

You explicitly understand and agree to the following provisions:

– You should judge, evaluate, and bear the risk before using the data provided by the Services, and the Company does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of such data.

– You agree not to claim that the data, services, products, or other information obtained through the Services do not meet your requirements or expectations.

– You agree that the Company does not guarantee that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, reliable, or error-free.

– Information and advice obtained from the Company or through the Services, whether written or oral, do not constitute guarantees of the Services.


9. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

The software or programs used in the Company’s services, all content on the website, including but not limited to works, images, files, information, data, website structure, website layout, web design, etc., are legally owned by the Company or other rights holders.

The aforementioned intellectual property rights include but are not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyright, trade secrets, and proprietary technologies. No one may use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, rent, publicly transmit, publicly publish, perform reverse engineering, decompile, or disassemble without consent.

If you wish to quote or reprint the software, programs, or website content, you must obtain prior written consent from the Company or other rights holders according to the law. Any violation will result in you being responsible for compensation to the Company or other rights holders (including but not limited to litigation fees and attorney fees).


10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

If any provision is invalid, it does not affect the validity of other agreements.

Regardless of whether your region is under the jurisdiction of the Republic of China, the interpretation and handling of these terms of service and other unaddressed matters shall be in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China.

In case of disputes, you agree that the Taipei District Court will be the court of first instance.


Email: [email protected]