
Privacy Policy

“HRDA,” “ECHO,” and “PsyDA” are services provided by Phoenix Interactive Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), including both web and app services (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Service”). The Service respects and protects your privacy. To help you understand how we collect, process, and use your personal data, please read our “Privacy Policy” carefully.

This “Privacy Policy” applies to the collection, processing, and use of personal data when you use the Service.

By choosing to use the Service, you are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to the full content of the “Privacy Policy.” If you do not agree, please immediately stop using the job search services provided by the Service.

The functions of the Service are provided through a system usage contract between the Company and clients (employers), allowing users to upload personal data and recordings for employers to view interview materials.

You have the freedom to choose to provide personal data. If you do not provide complete personal data, the Service will not be able to provide timely or complete job search services, which may affect your employment opportunities.

Using third-party recruitment websites (hereinafter referred to as “third parties”) refers to the services provided by this website, which may include links to third-party websites or platforms developed by third-party developers. You must evaluate whether to use these services, and you bear the risk of using them. For personal data protection, the privacy policies of third parties or various corporate websites apply, and the Service bears no joint responsibility.

1. Scope of Application

According to Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Act, the following matters are announced:

  • Purpose of Collection: The Service collects and analyzes personality traits based on facial micro-expressions, voice tone changes, and emotional fluctuations through photos and videos uploaded by users, producing analysis results and reports for employers as a reference for talent selection and job matching services.
  • Categories of Personal Data: Depending on the service or operational content, the Service collects categories of your personal data, such as identification (C001C003), characteristics (C011C014), licenses (C039), education, skills, or other professions (C051, C052), employment status (C061, C062, C064, C068). For detailed content, please refer to the “Specific Purposes and Categories of Personal Data” announced by the Ministry of Justice.
  • Period of Use of Personal Data: The Service will continue until you request to stop using it or save it for one year from the date of collection.
  • Objects of Personal Data Use:
    • Individuals or legal entities using the intermediary or matching services provided by the Service.
    • Customers or third parties with cooperative promotion relationships who share de-identified data for joint marketing and cross-use.
    • Third parties involved in various business interactions with the platform.
  • Methods of Using Personal Data:
    • When you use the Service, your personal data will not be used for other purposes without your written consent.
    • During the processing of your personal data, the Service will comply with relevant procedures and internal operational regulations and perform necessary personnel control based on information security requirements.
    • Except for the aforementioned circumstances, without your consent, assisting judicial authorities in investigating crimes, or requesting investigative assistance, or other legal provisions, the Service will not share or disclose your personal data to third parties or use it for purposes other than collection.
    • Simple browsing of the Service website and downloading the app do not collect any personally identifiable information.

Under Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you have the right to contact the Company’s customer service (Email: [email protected]) to request the cessation of collection, processing, use, or deletion of audio and video and related content.

2. Use of Photos and Videos

Personal photos or videos used by the Service are uploaded or captured by users themselves. The system or app will not automatically upload or capture image data from users’ phones or computers. The Service aims to provide users with personality trait analysis and understanding. Photos and videos uploaded by users are analyzed by the server for personality traits based on facial expressions, voice tone changes, and emotional fluctuations, with the analysis results and reports used only for personality trait analysis. Data uploaded by users or analysis reports generated by the system are provided only to the employer for reference and do not directly determine whether to hire.

3. Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

The Service will not provide, exchange, rent, or sell any of your personal data to other individuals, groups, private enterprises, or public authorities, except as required by law. Exceptions include:

  • Cooperating with legitimate investigations by judicial units.
  • Cooperating with investigations or use by competent authorities based on their duties (e.g., audits by the Audit Office or accountants).
  • Disclosing your personal data in good faith as required by law.
  • When your use of the Service violates the terms of service or may harm or impede the Service’s rights or cause harm to anyone, disclosure of your personal data is necessary for identification, contact, or legal action.

4. Use of Cookies

For internal website management and to provide the best personalized service, the website will write cookies to your browser and record the visitor’s IP address, online time, and the number of times various information is accessed for website traffic and network behavior surveys. The website will not use this server record to analyze individual visitors. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can set your browser to refuse cookies, but this may cause some functions of the website and PC interview functions to not work properly.

5. Server Logs

When you use the website through a browser, application, or other client, our server automatically records specific technical information. These server logs may include your web request, Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, request date and time, and other information. These server logs are used only as a reference for server management, and the website will not use these logs to analyze individual visitors.

6. Personal Data Protection Measures

The Service has signed confidentiality agreements with all employees, covering your personal contact information not disclosed on the website. We are committed to maintaining confidentiality. If the Service needs to provide your personal data to third parties for cooperation, we will sign relevant contracts with them, including clauses on personal data protection. If we discover any breach by third parties, we will immediately terminate cooperation and take necessary legal action. To prevent unauthorized access to the Service’s database system, we have installed a firewall system and assigned personnel to manage and maintain the database. The Service has a system monitoring mechanism to observe abnormal browsing behaviors. If abnormalities are detected, the system will trigger alerts and may temporarily suspend access to abnormal users’ data as needed, allowing continued use of browsing and searching member data functions.

7. Display and Access Rights of Personal Data

Your basic personal information (e.g., name, phone number, email) will not be publicly disclosed online. Our clients (employers) must log in to the Service’s backend with a username and password to view your personal data. The security review process for our clients (employers) is as follows:

  • Companies applying to use the HRDA system for recruitment must accurately and completely fill out company information forms, job description forms, and other relevant application forms.
  • The Company will verify the company’s legitimacy through the “Department of Commerce Business Registration Information System” or the “Ministry of Finance Tax Data Center.” If confirmed as a legally registered company, they are eligible to publish job advertisements.
  • For other business entities not searchable through the Department of Commerce, such as sole proprietorships, partnerships, foundations, foreign companies, and preparatory offices, clients must provide a copy of the business license or corporate registration certificate or personal identification documents for review.
  • If the submitted information is correct, the company will be allowed to use the system for recruitment.
  • During the job advertisement period, if any false or breach of contract is discovered, the Service will immediately close the company’s job advertisement and related permissions and take legal action if necessary, such as:
    • Suspected fraudulent behavior or actions violating good morals through recruitment methods, regardless of legal registration or approval.
    • Foreign companies or organizations without branches or offices in Taiwan.
    • Job seekers’ complaints to the Company or relevant authorities that the advertiser’s recruitment purpose is to collect personal data for marketing products or services.

8. Modification of Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will be amended in response to legal changes, technological developments, and adjustments to internal management systems to implement the original intent of protecting your privacy and internet security. When the relevant terms are modified, they will be posted on the website, with a prominent notice to remind you to read them.

Email: [email protected]