Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

“HRDA,” “ECHO,” and “PsyDA” are products provided by Phoenix Interactive Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), offering you services that include web pages and apps (collectively referred to as “the Services”). Please read the following terms and conditions carefully:

1. Copyright Statement

All content published by the Company and on the Services, including text descriptions, photographs, images, recordings, videos, audiovisual content, and other information, is protected by copyright law. Agencies, schools, companies, and individuals may use the information on this website internally but must not exceed the limits set by copyright law.

Authorized entities collaborating with the Services or having contractual agreements may use the published works within the authorized scope; however, when utilizing these works, the source must be clearly indicated. If users need to use information from the Services, reproduce parts or all content, or create derivative products for dissemination or value-added applications, they must respect the Services’ copyright, obtain prior consent from the Services, and not alter the original intent of the information.

If other copyright owners have content on the Services’ website, their consent must be obtained before publication.

2. Links to HRDA, ECHO, PsyDA Websites

Any website can link to the HRDA, ECHO, and PsyDA URLs (hrda.pro, echo.pro, psyda.pro), and such links must clearly display the Company’s official logo.

The names, locations, and content formats of files on the Services’ website are periodically updated or changed, so linking to specific files or using automated retrieval methods for related information is not recommended.

3. Related Links on HRDA, ECHO, PsyDA Websites

For the convenience of internet users, the Services’ website only provides links to related websites. The Services are not responsible for and do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or safety of the content on those linked websites.

4. Disclaimer

The Services strive to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of the information provided; however, the content may be updated or revised at any time according to actual conditions, and the Services are not responsible for prior notice. Users should take care to access the latest information, understand the meaning and usage limitations of the information, and use it correctly to avoid improper interpretations.

5. Information Security Policy

Information security operations and protection, information security responsibilities and training, and system access control on the Services’ website are managed in accordance with the Company’s information security regulations.

Email: [email protected]